
Sunday, February 7, 2016

bike repair keep performance

 you need to service  motorcycle google doc

 Why do you need to service motorcycle? How often do you need to check its parts and clean it? What kind of maintenance do you need to do for your bike? Some people exert too much effort in the maintenance of their motorcycles. Why? It’s possible that you went through a lot of trouble in order to purchase your motorcycle and get a license. Now that you almost have everything you want and starting to enjoy your motorcycling days, you can’t afford to cut the fun by having a motorcycle that always break down in the middle of the road. This is both dangerous and humiliating at some times.

To ensure that you will enjoy long motorcycling days you need to understand the importance of motorcycle maintenance. If you perform constant motorcycle maintenance, you will absolutely get a safe ride, you will be able to keep the value of your motorcycle and you can avoid spending too much money unless you love to visit the garage frequently.
So what is the basic motorcycle maintenance that you should do in order to keep your bike in good condition all the time?

1.       Wash your bike regularly. Your safety lies on your hands therefore you have to make sure that the bike you’re riding is safe. One way to ensure that your bike is safe to ride is by washing it regularly. This way, you can check all parts of the bike and see the damages. You can’t see the damages; lose screws and broken parts if the bike is full of mud. Take away all the mud to see what lies beneath them. Aside from that if the bike accumulate too much mud, it became a weight hassle. Negligence is one reason for the increase of road accidents caused by motorcycles; therefore don’t under estimate the importance of washing.

2.       Perform a regular check up of your oil level, brake pads and brake caliper, engine and suspension mounting, steering bearings and check the tire pressure. This check up should be done regularly to ensure that your bike is ready and won’t break down on you while you’re out riding. Most of the time this check is done every time you’re going to take a ride.

3.       Check the air filter of your bike. It is important to change the air filter of your bike if it’s dirty and won’t be safe to use again. You can either clean it or change it depending on the condition of your air filter.

4.       Another motorcycle maintenance that you should do is to lubricate your bike. This is important in order not to get rust on the chain of your motorcycle. While doing the lubrication, you can check the condition and position of the chain. Make sure that it is not too tight nor too lose. Both of these can cause an accident.

These are some of the most common motorcycle maintenance you can do for your ride. If you keep your bike on top conditionComputer Technology Articles, you can avoid getting into accidents and will ensure long years of motorcycling adventure.

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